Inner Strength Coaching

Interactive Informative and FUN Programs

"Go from Worrier to Warrior - How to Reframe your State of Mind"

With everything going on in the world today, this workshop offers many tools to tap into your inner strength and creativity to reframe your state of mind to a more positive approach to life...

"Start Your Year with ONE Focus word.... Resolutions Dont Always Work"

Can you imagine that One Word can change your life positively? It can! This workshop offers 4 techniques to discover your guiding word that represents what matters most to you and how this word can make a difference as you approach your life experiences.

"How to Maintain Balance in Stressful Times"

Stress has become so common these days. Trying to maintain balance in life is not easy. This workshop offers many tools to maintain balance when going through challenges in your daily life.

"Tame Your Inner Critic and Listen to Your Inner Cheerleader"

You know, that inner voice. It’s the negative voice inside your head that reminds you of all the things you can't do and who you are not. In this program, we will explore where these negative messages come from and how to begin to tame that voice and begin listening to the positive voice of your inner cheerleader!

"Navigating through life transitions with grace and resilience"

In this program we will explore the concept of life transitions, the ability to adapt to change, develop strategies for embracing new beginnings, and finding in stability in times of transformation.

"Discover YOUR meaning and purpose in retirement!"

This program offers attendees many techniques to find purpose and passion in this next phase of life...So they can live a rich fulfilled life. 

"Enhance the Energy in Your Surroundings"

The Coach Approach to Feng Shui. Learn how to “clear the clutter” from the inside out and utilize the secrets of Feng Shui in your life. You can create an environment that reflects the life you truly want.

"Create More Joy in Your Life-Vision Board Workshop

In this fun, hands-on workshop, attendees will create a “vision board” as a visual representation of what they want to attract more of in their lives.
(All materials supplied by us.)

"The Power of the PAUSE... Responding vs. Reacting"

Learn many techniques to step back and reframe before reacting and experience the benefits of PAUSE.

"Community Speaking Circle"

Linda creates a non-judgmental space for you to share your thoughts and insights while listening to others share as well. There will be an empowering topic introduced to the group, and you can choose to speak or listen.

"Get Ready, Get Set.. GROW!"

You want to make changes in your life but feel at times it's just too hard to do. We make the process simple. Using the metaphor of a garden, you will learn how to develop a strong foundation, decide what seeds you want to plant that you give you the best outcome that you want, and how to nurture yourself through the process.

Inner Strength Coaching

What People Say About Our Programs

Through My Programs Your Patrons Will Have the Chance to:

  • Transform Their Mindset
  • Engage With Fellow Participants
  • Attain Clarity
  • Experience Upliftment

Frequently Asked Questions

The cost is $300.00 (We are willing to work with your budget.)

For additional questions or to get in touch with us, please send an
email to [email protected].

If You Would Like to Book a Free Discovery Call, Reach Out.

  • All Programs Are 1 Hour
  • All Material Supplied
  • My Fees Are Flexible

Please contact me for booking a program
[email protected]